A few years ago, the world wasn't into trade shows anymore and most people thought that apps were the future so who cares about devices? We had our phones. What else could happen?
I believe that innovations in software only come from innovations in hardware. And innovations in hardware come from innovations in software. They have a closely integrated relationship that drives the other to improve and accommodate "more" - more functionality, more computing power, smaller size, etc.
This is why I'm so excited about CES getting attention again!
Personally, I think we need an innovation in phone/tablet technology - touch is nice, but we need to take this one step up. I think it's time for voice commands and uber-apps. And smaller phones. I understand that buyers would like a larger phone to type easier and see more on a screen, but it's a phone - how do you fit a 5+" device in your pocket? Or carry it in your hand?
My trainer at the fit camp I go to is a very tall man - 6'5". When he holds his iPhone 6 Plus it looks like he's holding a normal size phone. When my 5' friend holds her 6 Plus, it looks like she's holding a tablet. She loves her phone because it is bigger. However, there is a market out there that I belong to that wants a phone that's a phone. That group wants to hold the device and be able to type at the same time. I can't do that with a large phone.
I think we need smaller phones. Apple does too - they are coming out with one soon. I think the trend is going to turn soon back to smaller devices, especially with watches and wearables starting to get more attention.
Wearables is simply exciting - so many different ideas! Some are completely out there. The shoe technology can be interesting. Some is really for entertainment - like cameras and sensors in shoes for ESPN. But the 3D printed insoles are a dream for some!
I can't wait to see how the market responds to these ideas!
I hope everyone is able to read about CES and enjoy the visionary products that are being presented! I'm happy that the world of technology got a reboot and we are seeing the relationship between hardware and software again.
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